
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Curry Dinner

I was going to go down to Soho today and look around but it ended up being very grey, wet, and dark out so I stayed in and did some more job hunting (tomorrow is supposed to be nicer!) In the afternoon I made myself face the wind and rain and head out to do some errands and I also visited a recruitment agency nearby called Adecco. I registered with them and they said that it was slow right now for jobs but that they may have a job for me in 2 weeks. A very simple part-time job, but it’s something. I’ll keep my options open!

Then I came home and was set on creating some sort of dinner (besides pasta and English muffins with cheese and jam which I’ve been eating a lot! Lol.) I ended up making Greek salad and a Thai chicken curry accompanied by Indian naan bread. It turned out very well!! I was very proud of myself since I had no recipe! Yay! I can cook! The picture does it no justice… Gareth brought home some cake from work, so I’ll have that for dessert, if I can fit it in!
There is also 2 pics of a cute church that I passed on my way to Adecco.


1 comment:

woman undercover ;) said...

hey the curry looks delicious!

do u like indian food?